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2004-07-12 - 1:57 p.m.


Hi there! Camp is still going really really well. This week is even better than last week's session. We have 6 kids in the Muskrat cabin, which makes it much less stressful. We are able to do more things with them and give them all more one on one attention, which I think they enjoy.

We have kids this week that I seriously love. One little boy has muscular dystrophy, which is a terrible terrible thing. He is the cutest little boy ever, and it is so sad to see him struggling to walk, attempting to run, and then falling over because he is losing muscle control and doesn't have very good balance. I am pretty sure that by next summer he will be in a wheelchair, at least part of the time. It is such a sad thing to watch him struggle to do things that come so naturally to other kids his age. He has such spirit and heart though, that he keeps on trying. Jordan is so full of life, and is enjoying the things at camp that he can do. This is just a great place to be. All of our campers this week are great, though some definitley challenge my patience more than others. Today is the last full day we have with them, and they will be leaving tomorrow morning. I think I am going to go through some serious emotional trauma when I have to say goodbye, especially to Jordan.

Last night we had the dance, and all of the counselors here at HH went all out. My cabin decided to go 80's. I cut a large hot pink t shirt from wallmart so it was off the shoulder, and found some push socks (which I layered) and some hideous dangly earrings. I was rocking the side ponytail with a neon scrunchie. All of the female counselors in the Muskrat cabin were dressed similarly. The male counselors were wearing these neon shorts (from the ladies section!) and black muscle tank tops with knee high athletic socks. We looked good. Our shirts also said "Muskrat Love" on them, compliments of a fabric marker from Arts and Crafts.

My team leader, Nate went to the dance wearing an adult diaper. All of the counselors in his cabin did. Nate also borrowed some socks I won from the Aggie Pack during my UCD days. I took a photo. It will be copied and sent to every team in AmeriCorps in my region. haha.

Tonight we have the talent show and wishboat ceremony. We are also giving our kids an ice cream sundae party. For the talent show tonight they are dressing in Rodeo gear and then the counselors will be on all fours and they will get on our backs like they are riding a horse. This will be done to the 80s song, "wild wild west" by the Escape Club. Should be cute.

Anyhow, things are great. I am coming home to Santa Cruz/Davis from Aug. 21-28th for an AmeriCorps break. Looking into teaching credential programs in CA for the Spring or summer after AC is over in November. Oh yeah, immediately after AmeriCorps is over in Nov. I am going to Europe with my parents. Paris and Spain! My sister is moving to Madrid for 6+ months to teach English there, so it is a good excuse for a visit. I am really excited.

Hope all is well. Send e mails, I miss you all!


Shanana <---- (what Matt, my cabin unit leader has begun to call me)


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